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Valkyries Back In Action

In Ladies Match Reports by Rochdale Rugby

Rochdale Valkyries were back in action this weekend with a pre season friendly against Wrexham Ladies on the Saturday of Bamford Beer Festival. Without a game in over three months, the Valkyries approached the game in high spirits looking to enjoy the occasion and relish the challenge. On a glorious hot day and with a big firm pitch, the day …

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Rochdale Women off to a Winning Start!

In Ladies Match Reports by Rochdale Rugby

Aldwinians 12-29 Rochdale The women’s section at the club is on the rise, with the senior team fielding an 18 woman squad for their friendly fixture against Aldwinians. The game was organised as a ‘practice’ game so the new players had a chance to experience some proper rugby whilst getting to know the laws of the game. 3x 20 min …

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Rochdale Ladies hold Aldwinians 5-5

In Ladies Match Reports by Rochdale Rugby

Sunday 26 January saw Rochdale RUFC Ladies make history when they graced the first team pitch for the first time for their game against Aldwinians. Rochdale’s own Katie Sunderland was officiating her first open age fixture with the support of Gareth Trickett from Manchester and District Referees. Rochdale’s ladies team was first formed in late 2018 and this is their …

Great start at Bury

In Ladies Match Reports by Rochdale Rugby

It’s times like this I wish I was a better writer. I wish I was had an ability with words to truly convey my feelings. I fear I cannot truly express the level of pride I have today. 1 year on from beginning as Coach for Rochdale’s Ladies Team we played our 1st game of our first competitive season. The …