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Return to Rugby

In Club News by Tom Helliwell

At 5:00pm on 5th March the  RFU published a provisional plan for a phased return to full rugby activities for Season 2020-2021. Further guidance on requirements has been promised in the “next couple of weeks”. The ‘Return to Community Rugby Roadmap’ takes in current government advice so is different to previous ’Roadmaps’. All at Rochdale RUFC must remain at Stage …

Easy funding helping your club.

In Club News by Tom Helliwell

Ordering your shopping online whilst self-isolating? You could also be helping Rochdale Rugby Union Football Club raise much needed funds for FREE! Over 4,000 online retailers including Just Eat, Now TV, uSwitch, Domino’s Pizza and Audible are ready to give a free donation every time you shop online. It only takes 2 minutes to sign up. Visit: