A Warm Welcome Message from the President

In Chairmans Message, Club News by Rochdale Rugby

Good afternoon to all. I am honoured and delighted as Rochdale’s newly installed Club President, to extend a warm welcome to Moorgate Avenue to our members, friends, supporters, visitors, coaches and all players. As we embark on our 1st XV’s new adventures in the Regional 2 North East league, we look forward to making and renewing acquaintances with friends old and new as we return after a gap of ten years.

I am also pleased to report the continued support of Taylor Engineering & Plastics Ltd (TEP) as the club’s main sponsors for the season. On behalf of all at Rochdale I thank our great friends the Taylor family – Rod, Scott, Ian, and their wider family – and all at TEP for their continued support. This is their seventh year as main sponsor. Our playing numbers continue to grow, such that we now have at least one team across all age ranges: four senior male teams, a ladies adult team, Colts teams, plus an extremely strong Mini & Junior section with teams at every age group aged 6 to 16 including our fast-growing Girls section. And all whilst proudly maintaining our amateur status and remaining a truly family oriented and family friendly club.

Thanks also to the Club’s army of volunteers, supporters and helpers who vice so freely of their time, turning out come rain or shine to provide rugby to enrich the sporting and social lives of so many young people. Likewise, our sincere thanks to our sponsors, supporters, and benefactors and those who quietly and efficiently support the foundations upon which rugby in Rochdale firmly rests. Without these people this club would not function and the opportunities that our sport provides would be lost to many leaving the lives of many young people much the poorer.

If proof were ever needed as to the quality of rugby education, stewardship and coaching that Rochdale provides its youngsters, following the success of Daniel Kelly at Leicester Tigers, we have been delighted to see our former junior and first team player Beltus Nonleh picked up by the Premiership’s Northampton Saints. We believe these players are the vanguard of our boys and girls who will follow the Rochdale ‘academy’ pathway progressing to higher levels of rugby union.

As we forge onwards in our second century, there are multiple events planned across the season. Your continued backing is more vital than ever. The facilities at Rochdale are among the best at any level but
maintaining this quality needs your ongoing support. If you want to be kept informed of what is going on at the club, and how you can help support us, please provide us an up-to-date email.

Finally, Rochdale RUFC adhere to the RFU code of Conduct and rugby’s core values:

  • Teamwork
  • Respect
  • Enjoyment
  • Discipline
  • Sportsmanship

We hope for enjoyment for all. We encourage teamwork and self-discipline. We expect sportsmanship. Above all, we must insist on respect, respect for our facilities, players, and especially all match officials.

So, have an enjoyable day and a truly memorable season. And of course….. ”Come on the Dale”!

Dave Hodgkinson
RRUFC President
Season 2023-2024