Chairman’s Christmas Message

In Club News by Rochdale Rugby

A warm “hello” to all of our members, supporters and friends.

As we move towards Christmas and the end of 2020 it seems inevitable that we reflect on arguably one of the strangest years in the history of our great Club.

Sadly, much of 2020 will be remembered for nothing other than the blight of Covid-19 and the havoc it wrought with normal Club life, rugby, family, work life and social activity seemingly ‘on hold’.

However, that should not obscure the fact that hidden amongst what seem like the many negatives of cancelled matches, cancelled social events and cancelled competition, there is still much to be proud of at Rochdale RUFC.

The Club has endured this dreadful period unbowed, with much to celebrate and has in place the necessary foundations to bounce back once rugby can resume at Moorgate Avenue.

Our members and supports have continued to show their generosity and support in all manner of ways. Notwithstanding the trials and tribulations of a Covid ravaged 2020, the Club still moved forward:

  • The Rochdale RUFC ‘500 Club’ has generated funds to help promote the return to rugby and maintain the clubhouse in thin times.
  • Our Easyfundraising scheme has helped with our everyday bills. 
  • Danny Collins, our Director of Rugby has with his coaching colleagues overseen the continued ‘one club’ approach to rugby at Rochdale with the process of integration of our young players between the Mini & Junior and Senior Club sections.
  • Our Juniors numbers have grown
  • Our Ladies XV has become a key part of our Club.
  • Our mighty 3rd XV won their league unbeaten.
  • Our 2nd XV ably supported our 1st XV who so narrowly missed out on promotion.
  • And, of course Daniel Kelly made his own mark in Premiership Rugby and on international duty.

So, celebrate the positives and say ‘bring on 2021’.

As we look to 2021, we do so in the hope that the New Year will bring better things: a return to competitive rugby games, an opportunity to meet socially and enjoy the camaraderie for which Rochdale RUFC is renowned and a chance to truly celebrate the Club’s past achievement in its centenary year.

On behalf of Rochdale RUFC I wish all associated with Club the very best Christmas possible in prevailing Covid-19 circumstances and a much better 2021 than 2020!

Regards and very best wishes for Christmas and the New year.


Iain Coates
Chairman Rochdale Rugby union Football Club